Surprise Sale for our Seasonal Choice Box! Sale ends EOD Monday 2/10

Welcome to the Grove

Our first blog post! Needless to say, it's a little bit overwhelming to figure out what to write about first. There are so many things we want to talk about!

First, welcome to all our family and friends, old and new! We can't believe how many people we've gotten to connect with throughout the nation in just six short weeks of being in business. One of our main goals in launching this company was to be able to connect the consumer with the farmer so we could really tell the story of how we started and what we do on a daily basis. With grocery stores having readily available produce at all times, we definitely felt like the story got a bit lost along the way. 

Let's start with the basics - Emily, Elise and Jenna were born three weeks apart and were raised on the family farm together with their parents, along with additional aunts, uncles and cousins. We come from a big farming family where family get togethers are loud and crazy fun. Our ancestors originally started farming citrus down in Orange County, CA, and ended up selling their land and moving north to Visalia, CA in the Central Valley. Fun fact - our family land in Orange County was sold to Disneyland when Disney was first building his theme park! 


Emily, Elise and Jenna as babies (Jenna's older sister Krysta is in the background!)


The older we get, the more we look back on our childhood and are thankful to have grown up with built in best friends. We can't really express the joy that we have knowing we are helping continue the family business and legacy, and the fact that we get to share that with people across the country is incredible! 

More to come for our our blog posts - we want to be able to create that long lost connection between the farmer and consumer, show the process and labor of love our growers go through year after year to bring you beautiful and life sustaining produce, and share fun facts and recipes for all to enjoy!

Thanks for being a part of this journey. We are so glad you're here!


Squeeze The Day,




1 comment

  • Hi Jenna,
    I just ordered oranges for my mother’s best friend who is 96! This will be a perfect gift for her. I was
    re-reminded of your family business when a friend sent me an article from EatingWell by Ina Garten praising The Sisters Market. She wanted to know if I’d ever heard of your business. Small world, isn’t it? We are in TX waiting for Santa. Our house was suppose to be completed in Oct…now we are hoping for the end of January. This hasn’t been the best time to build, but we will enjoy it when it’s completed. We are leaving to return to CA after the holidays to check on our house, which we are keeping. We really enjoyed being with “the gang” in TX. I’m so proud of all of you! Much love, Julie

    Julie Weger

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